The Ultimate in Care Management Software

Helping Your Franchisees with Department of Health Audits (and how Carecenta can help!)

New York -- June 13, 2024

Even though Department of Health audits come every two years, it is no doubt that they are a challenging and daunting process for home care franchisees. This is because they require extensive preparation, manpower and labor, and patience. It can be nerve-racking to put your agency under the microscope and face the auditor's investigation. This can be especially true within a larger enterprise and franchise, where there is financial risk and inconvenience all the way up and down the chain.


So how can franchises support their franchisees as they go into the audit process?


1. Recommend the right home care management software

With software like Carecenta, a franchisee is in the right hands for an audit. With its automated reporting technology, franchisees can generate reports within seconds for their audits. This will save time and money, and will curtail the headaches and laborious tasks involved in passing an audit. Carecenta's features allow for a speedy audit that will blow the auditors away. By having Carecenta as the home care management software of choice, franchises can set up their franchisees for success.


2. Encourage the audit best practice of rigorous and detailed documentation

As part of any training or orientation, encourage franchisees to build strict documentation into their organizational structures. Documentation is an invaluable tool for audits as it helps to streamline the process. With improper documentation, the franchisee runs the risk of an extended audit, financial losses, and other penalties. Carecenta allows for proper documentation through its features as caregivers are instructed to properly verify that they are following the plan of care. Carecenta will support efforts to stay in compliance with regulations through its features.


3. Train, retrain, and train again

Keeping franchisees on top of changing regulations, documentation procedures, and other workflow tasks is important for continued audit success. Hold regular training sessions, maintain an updated newsletter or blog, and inform franchisees of webinars, podcasts, and conferences. Through Carecenta's InService classes, compliance monitoring features, and customer support teams, franchisees can feel confident that there is guidance and education when needed. Through a uniform and customized home care management software, franchises can attest to the quality of care and up-to-date information for their franchisees.


Preparing for Department of Health audits requires significant time and effort for home care franchisees. With the right tools, training, and support system, franchises can help their franchisees navigate this challenging process with confidence. Implementing a comprehensive home care management software like Carecenta streamlines documentation, reporting, and compliance monitoring, enabling franchisees to follow regulations efficiently. Along with ongoing training, educational resources, and a commitment to rigorous documentation practices, franchises can empower their franchisees to approach audits with minimal stress and a high likelihood of success. Ultimately, investing in these measures not only protects the franchise's reputation but also ensures the delivery of high-quality care to patients, solidifying the brand's position as a trusted provider in the home care industry.

